Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

Mary Miso - Mary Frener: Cook, Pastry Chef, Author

About Mary Miso

Waking up early and baking bread – that’s how it all begun. But my diploma as a baker and pastry chef wasn’t enough for me. After my apprenticeship I completed a second training as a cook and worked in small and large kitchens in Berne, Lucerne, England and Zurich. Since 2021 I am standig at the stove at Restaurant FED in my beautiful hometown Lucerne.

In 2010 I published my first cookbook called «Nagellack & Rösti» (‘Nail polish and rösti’), in 2011 followed «Fette Beute», (‘Fat prey’) and «Mary Miso - Die Beilage zur Hauptspeise» appeared in 2015. I am very proud that in november 2021 I published my fourth book «Mary Miso - Desserts». It is pink like bubble gum and at least as sweet.

Cooking is not only my profession; it is my passion, my life. Sugar slowly melting and becoming caramel. Ginger sizzling in the frying pan. Fresh bread from the oven. Don’t you simply have to love cooking? I do.

Enjoy cooking!

Mary Miso
Marianne Frener
6006 Luzern

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Fotocredit: Sylvan Müller