Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

05. October 2015

Penne with pumpkin, spinach and ricotta

Penne with pumpkin, spinach and ricotta
Penne with pumpkin, spinach and ricotta
Recipe serves 4
Preparation time: 45min

800g pumpkin
1 onion, cut in stripes
2 table spoons curry
2 bay leaves
1 lemon, peel
3 table spoons sunflower oil
salt and pepper

400-500g spelt penne
5 table spoons pumpkin seeds

200g spinach
1 table spoon butter
salt and pepper

100ml vegetable stock
2 table spoons lemon juice
salt and pepper

250g ricotta

Preheat oven to 200° C (circulating air)

Dice pumpkin (1cm cubes) and mix with the remaining ingredients. Spread on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Roast 20 minutes.

Cook penne in salted water al dente.

Gently roast pumpkin seeds in a frying pan without fat on low heat until they start to pop.

Roast spinach in butter and season with salt and pepper. Add penne, pumpkin cubes, vegetable stock and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix in half of the ricotta.

Distribute penne on 4 plates, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. Serve remaining ricotta separately.