Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

29. March 2016

White chocolate cheese cake with rhubarb

White chocolate cheese cake with rhubarb
White chocolate cheese cake with rhubarb
Recipe serves 10
Preparation time: 01h 30min

Crumble base:
80g butter
80g cane sugar
80g ground almonds
100g flour
15g cacao powder
1 pinch of salt

Cheese cake:
400g white chocolate
300ml heavy cream
400g cream cheese
4 eggs
1 vanilla pod

Rhubarb compote:
2 table spoons water
100g sugar
200ml Muscat or sweet white wine
500g rhubarb, peeled, cut in big pieces
1 vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
3 slices ginger
100 g frozen raspberries

For a springform of 24cm in diameter.

Line the spring-form with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 170°C (upper/lower heat)

Crumble base:
Crumble all ingredients by hand. Put the crumbles into the springform and press them flat. Bake 10 minutes.

Cheese cake:
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a water bath (not too hot, the chocolate should max. reach 45°C). Mix heavy cream to the melted chocolate.
Blend cream cheese, eggs and vanilla pulp. Add to the chocolate and mix. Pour the mixture on the precooked crumble base.
Reduce oven temperature to 150°C. Bake 1 hour.

Rhubarb compote:
Preheat the oven to 200°C (circulating air).
Caramelise water and sugar in a pan, deglaze with Muscat and cook until the sugar dissolves.
Put the rhubarb, vanilla pod and vanilla pulp, cinnamon stick, ginger and raspberries in a roasting tin. Pour the caramelised liquid over the mixture, cover with tin foil and bake 20 minutes. Rhubarb should be al dente, softens while cooling.

Serve cheese cake with rhubarb compote.