Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks
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Roti mit Kürbis, Spinat, Ei und Chilisauce
Beetroot with blackberries and pistachio
Gebackener Feta mit Brombeeren und Randensirup
Stangensellerie-Salat mit Brombeeren, Trauben und Cicorino rosso
Randen-Feigen-Salat mit Ricotta-Bohnen-Crème und roten Zwiebeln
Ochsenherztomaten mit Pfirsich, Jalapeños und Kaffir-Limettenblättern
Grüner Spargel mit Kokos-Labneh und Quinoa-Crunch
Glasierte Karotten mit Ginger Beer und Sumach
Sauerteigbrot mit gerösteten Trauben und Ricotta
Fingerauberginen Nam Tok mit Sticky Rice-Pulver
Chicorée mit Burrata, Himbeeren und Haselnüssen
Seidentofu mit Rettich, Erdnüssen und Koriander
Geschmorter Chicorée mit Safransauce und Estragon
Schalotten-Tarte mit Blauschimmelkäse und Thymian
Frittata mit Spinat und roten Zwiebeln
Sellerie- Apfelsuppe mit Cashewnüssen
Gemüsesalat mit Sbrinz-Cracker
Cranberry-Randen, Burrata, Castelfranco und Traubenkernöl
Brioche mit Ricotta und gerösteten Tomaten
Miso-Auberginen mit Sesam und Frühlingszwiebeln
Bohnen-Hummus mit Karotte, Sumach, Feta und Buchweizen
Spargelsalat mit Radieschen, Senfsamen, Scamorza und Portulak
Celery apple coconut soup
Burrata mit Feige, Cicorino rosso und Haselnüssen
Scrambled eggs with edamame and dried tomatoes
Zucchettisalat mit Labneh und Rauchmandeln
Smoked salmon with halloumi and buckwheat
Fenchelsalat mit Wassermelone und Johannisbeeren
Tomatensalat mit Gurke, Rhabarber und Holunderblüten
Spargel-Crostini mit Ziegenkäse und Oliven
Zucchini salad with edamame
Sweet potatoes with poached egg and red radish dressing
Veggie salad with kidney beans and ginger chili marinade
Sweet potato with orange zaatar
Mushroom and silken tofu soup
Humus with pickled beetroot, granola and leaf spinach
Pickled beetroot
Parsnip soup with pear and roquefort
Thai carrot ginger soup
Cauliflower, beurre noisette, linseed
Halloumi with zucchini, tomatoes and onions
Chickpea salad with sprouts, tahini and mint
Orzo salad with roasted tomatoes, olives and captures
Potato salad with cucumber, apple and boiled egg
Cauliflower salad with capers, parsley and fresh mint
Asparagus crostini with goat cream cheese, poached egg and radishes
Beer granola
Cold tomato soup with peach, ginger and basil
Lentil salad with burrata and basil oil
Apple and lime coleslaw
Aspargus frittata with avocado and purslane
Lentil salad with pumpkin, leek and beetroot
Bagel with onion confit, apple and brie
Piadina with butternut squash and chanterelles
Honeydew cucumber salad with feta cheese, peperoncini and pistachios
Chickpea salad with cellery, basil and fresh mint
Apple tower with goat cheese and lemon vinaigrette
Roasted tomatoes with raw ham, ricotta and rocket
Beluga lentils, chanterelles, rhubarb and tarragon
Mousseline with parsnips, harissa and beer granola
Sweet potato and cashew nuts soup with turmeric oil and beer granola
Maltagliati with Jerusalem artichocke and hazel nuts
Ravioli with fresh goat cheese and caramelised red onions
Quinoa burgers with pickled shallots
Pumpkin tempura with wasabi yogurt
Pumpkin pancakes with hummus and feta
Barley salad with cauliflower and cranberries
Watermelon salad with peanuts
Tomatoes and burrata cheese with apricot and verbena salsa
Chicken satay with peanut sauce and avocado
Coleslaw with coriander pancake and miso mayonnaise
Pink salad with cranberry dressing and caramelised fennel seeds
Baked chicory with mushrooms
Parsnip pea soup with quinoa, bacon and pistachios
Watermelon with roasted feta and gremolata
Tomato quiche with safforn and poppy seeds
Aspargus and halloumi with cranberries, fresh mint and lemon
Aspargus tarte with salmon, ricottag cheese and spring salad
Mary Miso Rolls
Celery Soup with apple, rosemary and peanuts
Apricots and goat cheese with lavender pistachio pesto
Green salad
Bagels with avocado, halloumi and eggs sunny-side up
Winter panzanella with sourdough bread
Apple-radish salad with smoked trout and japanese dressing
Fig with goat cheese in filo dough
Green Gazpacho
Orange couscous with beetroot and goat cheese
Apple curry soup with red lentils
Baby spinach with oranges, bulgur, almonds and avocado
Pumpkin and sweet potato soup with cinnamon croutons