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Pitabrot mit Chicorée-Tzatziki und Kichererbsen Salat
Blood orange and millet salad with apple, carrot and almonds
Miso chocolate cheesecake
Strudel parcels with tofu, herb quark and rayu
Baked brie with chicory chutney, thyme and baguette
Pear and almond gugelhopf with beurre noisette
Chicory galette with pumpkin, sage and walnuts
Curry orzo with cauliflower
Roti with pumpkin, spinach, egg and chilli sauce
Beetroot with blackberries and pistachio
Baked feta with blackberries and beetroot syrup
Celery salad with blackberries, grapes and Cicorino rosso
Pear chutney
Beetroot and fig salad with ricotta bean cream and red onions
Oxheart tomatoes with peach, jalapeños and kaffir lime leaves
My cookbooks for you
Club sandwich with tofu and asparagus
Rhubarb gugelhopf with olive oil, thyme and almonds
Poached rhubarb with lemon posset and macadamia milk crumbles
Grüner Spargel mit Kokos-Labneh und Quinoa-Crunch
Fried Rice mit Spargel, Gochujang Butter und Spiegelei sunny side down
Cinnamon Rolls
Tubetti Rigati mit weissen Bohnen, Spinat und Champignons
Focaccia mit Chicorée, Feta und Rucola-Pesto
Süsskartoffeln mit Tahini-Dressing, Linsen, Cranberries und Sauerteigbrot
Chicorée-Piccata mit Tomatenspaghetti und Kapern
Matcha Mochi Cookie
Arme Ritter mit Ricotta, Birnen und Hirse
Mandarinen-Miso-Curd mit Wildreis und Kürbiskernöl
Chicorée-Wähe mit Birne, roten Zwiebeln und Baumnüssen
Brioche mit beurre noisette und Zimtzucker
Glasierte Karotten mit Ginger Beer und Sumach
Raclette-Sandwich mit Chicorée, Apfel und Brunnenkresse
Rösti mit gebratenem Chicorée, Spiegelei und Kresse
Sauerteigbrot mit gerösteten Trauben und Ricotta
Fingerauberginen Nam Tok mit Sticky Rice-Pulver
Kartoffel-Zucchettisalat mit Tomaten-Aprikosen-Salsa
Sobanudel-Salat mit grünem Spargel und Reisessig-Vinaigrette
Linzertorte mit Rhabarber
Kartoffelgnocchi mit Radieschen, Erbsen und Parmesan
Gebratener Reis mit Gemüse, Shiitake-Pilze und Ei
Schokoladenmousse mit Crème fraîche
Chicorée mit Burrata, Himbeeren und Haselnüssen
Seidentofu mit Rettich, Erdnüssen und Koriander
Geschmorter Chicorée mit Safransauce und Estragon
Schokoladen-Ricotta Cheesecake
Rigatoni mit Topinambur, Balsamico und Federkohl
Schalotten-Tarte mit Blauschimmelkäse und Thymian
Frittata mit Spinat und roten Zwiebeln
Baked Potatoes mit Miso Pilzen, Apfel und Ingwer
Vanille Berliner
Sellerie- Apfelsuppe mit Cashewnüssen
Himbeer-Bars mit gesalzenen Buttercrumbles
Gemüsesalat mit Sbrinz-Cracker
Spaghettini mit Kefen, Cherrytomaten und roten Zwiebeln
Orzosalat mit Spargeln, Mais und Ricotta
Rhabarberkuchen mit Bienenstich
Bagels mit Bärlauchcrème, Erbsen und Raps
Linguine mit BBQ-Sauce, Pilzen und gepickelten Karotten
Cranberry-Randen, Burrata, Castelfranco und Traubenkernöl
Wirsing-Kürbis-Quiche mit karamellisiertem Tofu
Brioche mit Ricotta und gerösteten Tomaten
Miso aubergines with sesame seeds and spring onions
Shell pasta with asparagus, spinach, mushrooms and ricotta
Berry cheesecake
Bean hummus with carrot, sumac, feta and buckwheat
Asparagus salad with radishes, mustard seeds, scamorza and purslane
Rice noodles with tofu, cabbage and deep fried shallots
Celery apple coconut soup
Pumpkin filled with rice, spinach and sour cherries
Burrata with fig, cicorino rosso and hazelnuts
Sour cream cake with figs
Scrambled eggs with edamame and dried tomatoes
Courgette salad with labneh and smoked al
Smoked salmon with halloumi and buckwheat
Fennel salad with watermelon and redcurrants
Pesto Braid
Berry ice cream with chocolate chips
Chocolate cookies with fleur de sel
Filled peperoni
Beetroot burger
Tomato salad with cucumber, rhubarb and elderflower
No bake cheesecake with rhubarb and thyme
Spargel-Crostini mit Ziegenkäse und Oliven
Salted honey caramel walnut cake
Asparagus quiche with saffron, tomato and almonds
Poppy seed cake with lemon and honey
Zucchini salad with edamame
Rhubarb tarte
Fajitas with chickpeas
Sweet potatoes with poached egg and red radish dressing
Roasted cauliflower
Ricotta polenta cake with lemon and rosemary
Veggie salad with kidney beans and ginger chili marinade
Spaghetti with monk's beard
Sweet potato with orange zaatar
Mushroom and silken tofu soup
Vegan hazelnut brownie
Humus with pickled beetroot, granola and leaf spinach
Tortellini with potatoes, leek and kale
Sablé with caramel, fleur de sel, cranberries and ice cream
Pickled beetroot
Parsnip soup with pear and roquefort
Thai carrot ginger soup
Puff pastry with pear butter and whisky
Roasted figs with honey, orange and mascarpone
Cauliflower, beurre noisette, linseed
Halloumi with zucchini, tomatoes and onions
Beetroot ketchup
Ricotta nut cake with berries
Crispy tomato mozzarella sandwich
Chickpea salad with sprouts, tahini and mint
Orzo salad with roasted tomatoes, olives and captures
Potato salad with cucumber, apple and boiled egg
Cauliflower salad with capers, parsley and fresh mint
Brownie cheesecake with rhubarb and almonds
Asparagus crostini with goat cream cheese, poached egg and radishes
Beer granola
Cold tomato soup with peach, ginger and basil
Chocolate almond cake without flour
Nougat Montelimar
Artichokes with vinaigrette
Brioche au chocolat
Orecchiette with aspargus, peas and saffron
Lentil salad with burrata and basil oil
Apple and lime coleslaw
Aspargus frittata with avocado and purslane
Caramelized apple puree
Chocolate baisers
Muesli bread rolls
Celery gratin with hazelnut crust
Poppy seed cheese cake with cherries and cranberries
Pizza with radicchio, scamorza and olives
Apple bread
Tripple Chocolate Tarte
Grappa Truffles
Chili sauce
Mango and black tea jam
Lentil salad with pumpkin, leek and beetroot
Bagel with onion confit, apple and brie
Lemon biscuits
Piadina with butternut squash and chanterelles
Pea tarte with caramel and fleur de sel
Honeydew cucumber salad with feta cheese, peperoncini and pistachios
Iced tea with matcha and ginger beer
Curd cheese mousse with strawberries and fresh mint
Crunchy verbena panna cotta with rasperries
Chickpea salad with cellery, basil and fresh mint
Punch with lillet, blueberries and cucumber
Apple tower with goat cheese and lemon vinaigrette
Apricots with sour cream and sumac
Roasted tomatoes with raw ham, ricotta and rocket
Chocolate granola with cherries and greek yogurt
Ricotta ice cream with caramelised almonds, lemon and thyme
Beluga lentils, chanterelles, rhubarb and tarragon
Kefir panna cotta with raspberries and elderberry blossoms
Lemon pasta with asparagus, green peas and thyme
Mousseline with parsnips, harissa and beer granola
Sweet potato and cashew nuts soup with turmeric oil and beer granola
Maltagliati with Jerusalem artichocke and hazel nuts
Tagliatelle with savoy cabbage, cranberries, bacon and poached egg
Ravioli with fresh goat cheese and caramelised red onions
Yogurt mousse with apple and cinnamon crumble
Yogurt mousse with cranberry and lemon crumble
Yogurt mousse with blood orange and chocolate crumble
Hokkaido quiche with goat cheese, macadamia and sage
Chocolate pecan nut cake with fleur de sel
Puff pastry star with olive tapenade
Hazelnut swirls
Quinoa burgers with pickled shallots
Pumpkin tempura with wasabi yogurt
Shortbread with tangerine, rosemary and sea salt
Beetroot bruschetta with pumpkin, pear and walnut
Pumpkin pancakes with hummus and feta
Barley salad with cauliflower and cranberries
Blue crisps with rosemary and sea salt
Chocolate tart with raspberries
Chicken and peach tacos
Watermelon salad with peanuts
Beetroot in salt crust
Pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, spinach and balsamic dressing
Cherry tiramisu
Herb bread
Tomatoes and burrata cheese with apricot and verbena salsa
Veggie burger with avocado
Spinach and ricotta cheese cannelloni
Sumac, lime and fresh mint syrup
Rhubarb pistachio rosemary pie
Aspargus, pea pesto and greek yogurt on pitta bread
Chicken satay with peanut sauce and avocado
Matcha and chocolate marble cake
Fregola sarda with aspargus, olives, herbs and lemon dressing
Almond cake with lemon
Coleslaw with coriander pancake and miso mayonnaise
Apple turnover with peanut butter
Mashed kohlrabi potatoes with roasted hazelnuts and thyme
Polenta with poached egg and green beans
Chocolate orange tiramisu
Soba with chinese cabbage, cucumber and ponzu sauce
Goat cheese and beetroot cookies
Iced pear pie with crumbles
Pink salad with cranberry dressing and caramelised fennel seeds
Pumpkin spinach lasagne
Apple pie with poppy seeds
Baked chicory with mushrooms
Parsnip pea soup with quinoa, bacon and pistachios
Spaghetti with avocado rocket pecans pesto
Grissini with dried flowers
Ricotta gnocchi with lemon tomato caponata
Pineapple with tellicherry pepper, rosemary honey and vanilla
Hibiscus mallow blueberry popsicles
Watermelon with roasted feta and gremolata
Polenta pizza with zucchini, tomatoes and rocket
Strawberry chocolate cake with sour cream mousse
Tomato quiche with safforn and poppy seeds
Miso Goreng
Aspargus and halloumi with cranberries, fresh mint and lemon
Aspargus tarte with salmon, ricottag cheese and spring salad
White chocolate cheese cake with rhubarb
Mango yogurt ricotta cream with pomegranate
Couscous with roasted fennel
Risotto Milanese
Sourdough pizza with beetroot and basil pesto
Mary Miso Rolls
White polenta with scallops, black salsifies and bitter orange confit
Bounty with pineapple and sweet basil pesto
Celery Soup with apple, rosemary and peanuts
Crostini with rocket & walnut pesto and pear
Penne with pumpkin, spinach and ricotta
Zucchini bread with coconut and lime
Hazelnut-meringue with berries and cream
Rhubarb cake with yogurt and poppy seeds
Apricots and goat cheese with lavender pistachio pesto
Green salad
Farfalle with chicken, peas, chanterelles and mint
Bagels with avocado, halloumi and eggs sunny-side up
Spaghetti with pea puree and parmesan
Winter panzanella with sourdough bread
Hangover soup
Apple-radish salad with smoked trout and japanese dressing
Fig with goat cheese in filo dough
Risotto with Scamorza, red chicory and balsamic vinegar
Raspberry cake black 'n' white
Green Gazpacho
Yogurt panna cotta with apricots and lemon thyme
Ricotta gnocchi with spinach
Orange couscous with beetroot and goat cheese
Papardelle with asparagus and morels
Rhubarb with Earl Grey Chantilly
Tomato rolls with Parma ham and herb cream cheese
Apple curry soup with red lentils
Soba noodles with tofu, romanesco and chili sauce
Baby spinach with oranges, bulgur, almonds and avocado
Tarte flambée with porcini mushrooms, pumpkin and apple
Chestnut cake
Pumpkin and sweet potato soup with cinnamon croutons
Risotto with chanterelles and blueberries
Betty Ford
Pumpkin gnocchi
Chicken with roasted mashed potatoes and salsa